The list below is current as of March 22, 2022. Don’t see your company or organization listed? Complete the membership form to join or renew today!
- Association of Minnesota Counties
- Benton County
- Carlton County
- Chisago County HRA/EDA
- Communications Workers of America
- Cooperative Network Services
- East Central Minnesota Ed Cable Coop
- Federated Rural Electric
- Gould Government Relations
- J. Keough-Cloquet Valley Internet Initiative
- Kanabec County
- Kandiyohi County/City Willmar EDC
- Koochiching County
- Le Sueur County
- League of Minnesota Cities
- Lincoln County Enterprise Development Corporation
- Medical Alley Association
- Meeker Cooperative
- MiEnergy
- Mille Lacs Energy Coop
- Minnesota Cable Communications
- Minnesota Municipal Utilities Association
- Minnesota Rural Electric
- Minnesota Telecom Alliance
- Minnesota Valley TV
- Murray County
- Northern Technology
- Oakpoint
- Range Association of Municipalities & Schools
- Redwood County
- Roseau Electric
- Scandia EDA
- Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation
- St. Louis County
- Association of Minnesota Counties
- Benton County
- Carlton County
- Chisago County HRA/EDA
- Communications Workers of America
- Cooperative Network Services
- East Central Minnesota Ed Cable Coop
- Federated Rural Electric
- Gould Government Relations
- J. Keough-Cloquet Valley Internet Initiative
- Kanabec County
- Kandiyohi County/City Willmar EDC
- Koochiching County
- Le Sueur County
- League of Minnesota Cities
- Lincoln County Enterprise Development Corporation
- Medical Alley Association
- Meeker Cooperative
- MiEnergy
- Mille Lacs Energy Coop
- Minnesota Cable Communications
- Minnesota Municipal Utilities Association
- Minnesota Rural Electric
- Minnesota Telecom Alliance
- Minnesota Valley TV
- Murray County
- Northern Technology
- Oakpoint
- Range Association of Municipalities & Schools
- Redwood County
- Roseau Electric
- Scandia EDA
- Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation
- St. Louis County